Holding Onto Memories

Instagram post - January 31, 2018 (my first after Eden passed) 

Today I was overcome with the fear of forgetting Eden. Not that I could ever forget her but that I would forget the little things that made her who she was. I know as time passes some things will fade and that breaks my heart but it gave me an idea that may help. I have set up an email address for people to send us memories of Eden memories4eden@gmail.com. I would love to hear from all of you about your interactions with Eden. Anything. Be specific. Even if she was sad or mad. Even if you only saw her from across the chapel. I will cherish it all. Thank you!

I'm so glad I had this idea. I got many memories from loved ones and I am so grateful to have them saved. We also use this email as "Eden's" we use it when we donate in her name, or to collect responses from the projects we've done on her birthdays.

Jared and I did, also created a google doc where we wrote down everything we could remember about her. From the words she could say and understand, to the shape of the teeth marks she left on the crib bars (they were spread out because she had a gap in her front teeth). It is so tragic how memories fade. I hate that sometimes I ask myself something about Eden and I honestly can't remember and that it's hard to recall images of her that aren't from pictures or videos. But I love having all the memories we do have recorded. Sometimes I go through the doc and I'm reminded of things I knew I would have forgotten. 
