Story #3 Walkies

Once Eden learned to walk, she loved going on walks outside. She would often go and stand by the front door and point to go outside. We live on a quiet street with with very few cars driving on it so we were pretty safe for her to explore. But still I didn't want her in the street by herself so I would have to block her path while I opened the stroller. But she quickly figured out that she could run around the car and get out, So it became a race. I would try to open the stroller fast enough that I could wheel it around the other side of the car and catch her before she got out. She thought it was a ver fun game. 

She loved collecting leaves on our walks. She would pick them up with one hand and put them in the other and continue to cram more  and more leaves into her hand until she couldn't hold anymore. But when she dropped one, she would always pick it up and try her best to put it back in her hand. 

When we were on our walks, Eden liked to walk up the gutters. On our street there is the flat road and then a gradual then steeper slope up to the sidewalk. She would try her best to walk from the road to the sidewalk but every time she got to the steep part, she would crash down on her bum. I was so amazed at her perseverance. She didn't seem to get frustrated. She'd just get up and try again and again until I made her move on. 
